Site Settings

This will allow you to add information regarding your overall OJS installation, not individual journals. This includes the name of your site, an introductory statement about your site, a redirect option (leave this blank if you do not need to redirect users), a description of your site, contact information, a minimum password length for registered users, and indexing registration. You will have the opportunity to provide details about your individual journal(s) at a later stage.

- Form Language: This will not appear if your site is unilingual. If you have multiple languages, however, you will need to fill in each form in the first language, save your changes, return to the form, change this dropdown to the second language, complete the form in the second language, and save again.
- Site Title: This option is mandatory, and comes with “Open Journal Systems” as the default text. You can upload a header image if you would prefer. This will appear on the overall site.
- Introduction: Any text entered into the Introduction field will appear on your site’s home page, above your hosted journal list.
- Journal Redirect: You can choose to have any attempts at accessing your website redirect to a particular hosted journal. This is useful if you only have one journal, and would prefer attempted access to your site pages be redirected. This will not redirect access to the Site Administration pages (although these pages will still need Site Administrator credentials to be accessed).
- About the Site Description: Any text entered here will be displayed on the Site-level About page, and appear just above the links to your hosted journals’ About pages.
- Name of Principal Contact: This is a mandatory field, and by default is populated with “Open Journal Systems”.
- Email of Principal Contact: This is a mandatory field, and by default is populated with the Site Administrator’s email address as specified during the install process.
- Minimum Password Length: This is a mandatory field, and by default is set at 6 characters. This sets the length site-wide.
- Site Theme and Site Style Sheet: Select a theme from the drop down menu, or if you would like to implement a style sheet for site-level pages, you can upload one here. Hosted journals will not use this style sheet unless you upload it specifically for them.
- Options: Choose to have an alphalist display on the site homepage to allow users to quickly navigate to a journal, or have the list of journals broken up over multiple pages.
- Journal Elements: Select whether to display journal thumbnails, titles and/or descriptions on the site page.
- Security: The Site Administrator can have exclusive control over plugins by selecting this option.
- Register Site for Indexing (Metadata Harvesting): Information is provided that will allow you to register your site with the PKP’s demo harvester, though you are encouraged to register with any/all relevant OAI-compliant harvesters you can find. If you register with an OAI-compliant harvester using the site URLs included on this page, every journal on your site will be harvested.