Unregistered visitors to a journal can normally register as a Reader, Author, and/or Reviewer. Journal Managers are able to remove the ability for visitors to self-register, in which case a notice will appear stating that registration is currently closed; see Journal Setup Step 4,but managers can always register users from the Journal Management Home page at any time, and for any role.
To register with a journal, click the Register link on the topmost navigation bar, select the journal you want to register with if asked, and fill out the ensuing Registration Form. You will not be able to self-register for an Editorial Role (Editor; Section Editor; Copyeditor; Layout Editor; Proofreader; Subscription Manager; or Journal Manager); if you need to be enrolled at that level, ask a current Journal Manager or Site Administrator.
All fields with an asterisk beside them (Username; Password; Repeat Password; Validation; First Name; Last Name; Email; Confirm Email) are mandatory. If the journal is multilingual, you will need to select your preferred language.
Your username and your email address must be unique; furthermore, while you can change your email address at a later date, you will be unable to change your username.
You may be able to register as a Reader, an Author and/or a Reviewer, depending on how the journal has been configured. Check the box next to each role available to Confirm Registration. If you register as a Reviewer, you can also supply your reviewing interests.
In some cases, the journal you are trying to register with may not be allowing registrations; if that is so, you will see a note to that effect.
If you want to register in another role within the same journal (for example, if you are already a Reader, but also want to become an Author) you can log in; go to Edit My Profile (under My Account on your User Home page); and check off the checkboxes next to any available roles, near the bottom of the page.
If you want to unenroll yourself from a journal completely, all you have to do is visit your profile and uncheck all role checkboxes. If you are enrolled at an editorial level, you will have to ask the Journal Manager to unenroll you.