All types of institutional subscriptions will appear here.
Institutional subscriptions are managed similarly to individual subscriptions, but are used for libraries, research institutes, and other organizes that subscribe to your journal.
You can create a new individual subscription by using the Create New Subscription link. First, however, you will need to create a new account for the institution’s contact person under Users & Roles (see Chapter 7). Once that is done, you can search for the account here, and apply the different configurations.
Subscription Type: Select the appropriate type for this new subscriber (e.g., Library) and its status (e.g., Active).
Subscription Types were configured earlier in this chapter.
Date: Set the start and end dates for this subscription.
Institution: Add the name of the institution for this subscription (e.g., Simon Fraser University Library).
Mailing Address: Add the address of the institution.
Domain: Readers coming from a computer with this domain will automatically receive access (e.g., This will apply to on-campus users.
IP Ranges: The institution may provide you with IP ranges. Readers coming from a computer from this IP range will automatically receive access.
Notes: If you have any relevant notes to add, record that information here (optional).