DOI Plugin Setup
- Enable and configure the “DOI” public identifier plugin at Website Settings -> Plugins -> Public Identifier Plugins -> DOI Plugin.
- Click the blue arrow to the left of DOI entry and choose Settings to configure the DOI plugin Settings.
- First select the OJS object types that you want DOIs to be assigned to. Selecting this option does not mean that all objects of the selected type need to get a DOI assigned. Depending on the chosen DOI suffix generation method you can selectively assign DOIs if you like. Selecting an object type makes the DOI configuration fields available on the corresponding object-specific metadata entry pages. Please be aware that not all registration agencies support all object types for DOI registration. For example, while DataCite is able to support all object types, mEDRA will not register supplementary files.
- You’ll receive your organization’s prefix from the DOI registration agency and the exact process for application is described on the agencies’ web pages (See DOI Registration Agencies).The DOI prefix is mandatory.
- There are several suffix generation strategies available. Whatever suffix generation strategy you choose, you’ll be able to preview the DOI on the object’s metadata page without actually assigning a DOI provided that the object has not yet been published. The metadata pages for the different object types are::
Issues: The issue data page that can be reached through the issue lists available to the editor role.
Articles: The article metadata page available to all editorial roles through editorial interface (dashboard).
Galleys and Supplementary Files: The galley metadata page available to all editorial roles through editorial interface (dashboard)
We strongly recommend using the default patterns if you are a new journal and have not previously had DOIs issued.
Default Pattern-based generation methods: when you choose one of the pattern-based generation methods, then a DOI will be generated for all objects. Once you configured the pattern for DOI suffix generation in the DOI plugin you’ll not have to do anything special for an object to get a DOI assigned. As soon as the object is published and has been publicly accessed for the first time a DOI will be assigned based on the corresponding pattern. You are not obliged to register all these DOIs with the registration agencies, though. The DOI registration agency connectors allow for selective registration.
In case of pattern-based suffix generation (custom or default patterns) DOIs will always be generated according to the currently configured pattern on first public access. This also means that changing a pattern will not change already assigned DOIs. It will only have effect on DOIs being generated from that moment on. Be careful when changing patterns that the new pattern does not share its namespace with the previous pattern. Otherwise duplicate DOIs may result which will lead to problems when trying to register these IDs.
Individual DOI suffix: choosing the option will allow you to enter suffixes independently from the OJS URL of the object. Use this option if none of the other suffix generation strategies fulfill your needs, e.g. when your organization has global rules for suffix generation different from what can be implemented with custom patterns, or if you do not want to generate DOIs for all objects by default.
If you configured OJS to use individual DOI suffixes then the logic is slightly different to support selective DOI assignment. In this case a DOI will not be assigned even for already published objects if a DOI suffix has not been entered for that object. This allows the journal to offer DOIs to the authors as an optional (and potentially paid) service on a one-by-one basis. The individual suffix can be changed as long as no DOI has been assigned by public access to the object. Once the object has been accessed publicly with an individual suffix assigned, the suffix cannot be changed any more!
See the following example of the DOI suffix field for issues:
Custom patterns: when you enter custom patterns for your DOI suffix, it is your responsibility to create patterns that result in unique DOI suffixes for your prefix. You have to enter a combination of journal, issue and object-specific identifiers to make sure that DOIs cannot be duplicated. A galley-suffix for example, that does not contain the journal ID can be duplicated among several journals if the same prefix is used for those journals. The same can happen if you generate DOIs for articles and issues without using the issue ID in the article suffix (e.g. when generating the DOI for the issue with the internal ID 1 and the article with internal ID 1). Look at the standard patterns for examples.
Once you configured the pattern for DOI suffix generation in the DOI plugin you’ll not have to do anything special for an object to get a DOI assigned. As soon as the object is published and has been publicly accessed for the first time a DOI will be assigned based on the corresponding pattern.
The Reassign DOIs link deletes all currently assigned DOIs but not your individually assigned URL or DOI suffixes. This is an advanced action. Please use it with utmost care and make sure you understand its exact action first, e.g. within a test environment. All DOIs will be re-generated based on the patterns or custom identifiers you entered. This means that if you change the patterns or custom identifiers after you already assigned DOIs then previously assigned DOIs will be completely lost and the same object will receive a different DOI. This should be avoided in most cases as it means double-registration of the same object with two different DOIs which is contrary to the purpose of DOIs in the first place.
You should make a database backup before you delete all assigned DOIs.