Oikonomos | USADavid Green2020-10-11T19:24:48-07:00
Biolinguistics | CyprusDavid Green2020-10-11T18:35:33-07:00
American Journal of Islam and Society | USADavid Green2020-10-11T19:09:20-07:00
Biologic Orthopedics Journal | USADavid Green2020-10-11T18:19:06-07:00
Dermatology Practical & Conceptual | AustriaDavid Green2020-10-11T05:48:49-07:00
Facultas Online Publishing | AustriaDavid Green2020-10-11T05:36:20-07:00
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing | AustraliaDavid Green2020-10-11T03:22:14-07:00
Cyprus Review | University of Nicosia | CyprusDavid Green2020-07-04T00:46:29-07:00
Diyala Journal of Medicine | IraqDavid Green2020-10-11T02:25:40-07:00
University of Johannesburg Library | South AfricaDavid Green2020-05-22T05:31:21-07:00
EMBnet Journal | SwedenDavid Green2020-05-19T23:53:59-07:00
Unoeste Revistas Colloquium | BrazilDavid Green2020-05-19T22:40:21-07:00
Metric Journal | UKDavid Green2020-05-19T01:24:11-07:00
Ethiopian Medical Association Journal | EthiopiaDavid Green2020-05-18T20:02:01-07:00
Novitates Caribea | Dominican RepublicDavid Green2020-05-18T20:00:41-07:00
Pacific Health Dialog | New ZealandDavid Green2020-05-18T18:16:29-07:00
El sello Editorial Universitario Americana | ColombiaDavid Green2020-05-18T17:55:16-07:00
Revista Chilena de Neurocirugía | ChileDavid Green2020-05-18T17:46:31-07:00
Revista Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias | ChileDavid Green2020-05-18T17:38:57-07:00
La Revista Agro Productividad | MexicoDavid Green2020-05-18T17:26:45-07:00
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa | PortugalDavid Green2020-05-18T16:46:08-07:00
Phonological Data & Analysis | Linguistic Society of America | USADavid Green2020-05-17T14:27:48-07:00
University of South Australia Open Journal Systems | AustraliaDavid Green2020-05-17T14:27:58-07:00
African Biodiversity & Conservation | South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)David Green2020-05-17T14:31:27-07:00
Anthropology Matters Journal | UKDavid Green2020-05-17T14:33:52-07:00
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly | Queen’s University School of Law | UKDavid Green2020-05-18T07:45:58-07:00
Research on Education and Media | ItalyDavid Green2020-05-17T15:02:18-07:00
Sheep Journal | Australian Wool Education TrustDavid Green2020-05-17T15:02:27-07:00
Journal of Open Law, Technology & Society | UKDavid Green2020-05-17T15:02:36-07:00
Journal of Sociology and Christianity | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:03:08-07:00
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health | ThailandDavid Green2020-05-17T15:03:59-07:00
Austrian Journal of Statistics | Austrian Society for StatisticsDavid Green2020-05-17T15:04:12-07:00
Nordic Journal on Law and Society | Umeå University | SwedenDavid Green2020-05-17T15:06:12-07:00
Language | Linguistic Society of America | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:06:22-07:00
Behavioral Sciences Journal | Carlos Albizu University | Puerto RicoDavid Green2020-05-17T15:07:16-07:00
Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | ColombiaDavid Green2020-05-17T15:08:46-07:00
Red Cedar Undergraduate Research Journal | Michigan State University | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:08:58-07:00
Koers | Bulletin for Christian Scholarship | South AfricaDavid Green2020-05-17T15:09:11-07:00
Emergency Management Review | University of Wolverhampton | UKDavid Green2020-05-17T15:09:21-07:00
British & Irish Botany | Botanical Society of Britain and IrelandDavid Green2020-05-17T15:09:38-07:00
Journal of Caribbean Ornithology | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:11:42-07:00
Dental Anthropology | Dental Anthropology Association | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:11:51-07:00
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food | MSU | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:12:15-07:00
ANU Student Journals | Australian National UniversityDavid Green2020-05-17T15:12:23-07:00
Journal of Open Access to Law | Cornell University | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:12:32-07:00
The University of Georgia Journal of Economics | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:12:42-07:00
Texas Journal of Literacy Education | Texas Woman’s University | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:12:51-07:00
Social Work & Christianity | North American Association of Christians in Social Work | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:13:07-07:00
Radford University McConnell Library Journals | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:13:15-07:00
TeachEngineering Digital Library | University of Colorado | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:13:46-07:00
World Libraries | Dominican University | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:13:59-07:00
The Covenant Quarterly | North Park University | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:14:08-07:00
Review of Disability Studies | University of Hawaii | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:14:18-07:00
Journal of Educational Data Mining | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:14:36-07:00
Global Health | The University of Findlay | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:14:55-07:00
Journal of Online Graduate Education | National University | USADavid Green2023-05-19T12:03:59-07:00
SKIN | The Official Journal of the National Society for Cutaneous Medicine | USADavid Green2025-03-23T18:56:13-07:00
Lockwood Online Journals | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:15:52-07:00
Lockwood Press | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:16:09-07:00
Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:16:30-07:00
Prognostics and Health Management Society Journals | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:17:16-07:00
Global Clinical Engineering Journal | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:17:26-07:00
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:17:48-07:00
International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:17:59-07:00
International Journal of MCH and AIDS | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:18:21-07:00
The Journal of Weather Modification | USADavid Green2020-05-17T15:18:29-07:00
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science | New ZealandDavid Green2020-05-17T15:20:04-07:00
Journal of Natural Health Product Research | CanadaDavid Green2020-05-17T15:20:13-07:00
Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics | University of Information Technology and Communications | IraqDavid Green2020-05-23T15:16:15-07:00
Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Materials Engineering I Babylon University | IraqDavid Green2020-05-23T15:12:43-07:00
University of Cumbria Open Source Journals | UKDavid Green2020-05-17T15:20:23-07:00
Sigmund Freud University Journals | AustriaDavid Green2020-05-17T15:20:31-07:00
Writers in Conversation | Flinders University Journals | AustraliaDavid Green2020-05-17T15:20:38-07:00
The Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies | Qatar UniversityDavid Green2020-05-17T15:22:38-07:00
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press | LithuaniaDavid Green2020-05-17T15:23:25-07:00
Journal of University of Babylon | IraqDavid Green2020-08-17T04:53:11-07:00
Mattioli 1885 Publications | ItalyDavid Green2020-05-19T09:45:34-07:00
International Journal of Serious Games | ItalyDavid Green2020-05-17T15:24:41-07:00
Italian Political Science Journal | ItalyDavid Green2020-05-17T15:25:04-07:00
Mutual Images Journal | FranceDavid Green2020-05-17T15:26:28-07:00
International Journal of Information, Communication Technology and Applications | AustraliaDavid Green2020-05-17T15:26:37-07:00
The Undergraduate Research in Natural and Clinical Science and Technology | CanadaDavid Green2020-05-17T15:27:39-07:00
Journal of Contemporary European Research | UKDavid Green2020-05-17T15:27:49-07:00
Malaysian Journal of Emergency Medicine | Official Journal for College of Emergency Physician MalaysiaDavid Green2020-05-17T16:57:32-07:00
International Journal of Sustainable Lighting | South KoreaDavid Green2020-05-17T16:59:08-07:00
Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy | AustraliaDavid Green2020-05-17T16:59:17-07:00
Practice & Research Journal | Professional Association of Portuguese PsychologistsDavid Green2020-05-17T19:00:56-07:00
Croatian Nursing Journal | CroatiaDavid Green2020-05-17T19:01:40-07:00
Revista Boletín Redipe | ColumbiaDavid Green2020-05-18T17:10:05-07:00
MedienJournal | Austrian Society of CommunicationDavid Green2020-05-17T19:02:02-07:00
Revistas Universidad EAFIT | ColombiaDavid Green2020-05-17T19:08:22-07:00
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Online Journals | IndonesiaDavid Green2020-05-17T19:08:46-07:00
Revistas Científicas | Universidad Simón Bolívar | ColumbiaDavid Green2020-05-18T16:58:37-07:00
The Nigerian journal of Technology | University of Nigeria | NigeriaDavid Green2020-05-17T19:11:21-07:00
Functional Foods in Health and Disease | USADavid Green2020-05-17T19:11:34-07:00
Revista Bionatura | EcuadorDavid Green2020-05-17T19:14:41-07:00
Tropical Journal of Nephrology | Lagos State University | NigeriaDavid Green2020-05-17T19:15:02-07:00
International Journal of Engineering Materials and Manufacture | MalaysiaDavid Green2020-05-17T19:15:12-07:00
Tanzania Medical Journal | Medical Association of TanzaniaDavid Green2020-05-17T19:17:14-07:00
Journal of Controversies in Biomedical Research | AustraliaDavid Green2020-05-17T19:18:49-07:00
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology | Technical University | RomaniaDavid Green2020-05-17T19:20:30-07:00