What are the main differences between OJS 3.x and OJS 2.xDavid Green2018-02-12T09:06:55-07:00
In addition to the enhanced user interface, navigation systems, and theme experience, the workflow in OJS 3 is highly dynamic and much more customizable than OJS 2.x. OJS 3 also has much more flexible user roles and task management systems. It also includes an improved feedback system for each editorial stage to help you track the communications that are a critical to any submission’s workflow.
How do I upgrade to OJS 3.x?David Green2018-02-12T09:15:24-07:00
OpenJournalSystems.com has the extensive technical expertise you need to make sure your upgrade is done quickly and correctly. Upgrading OJS is not a simple task and a botched or incomplete upgrade procedure can result in a malfunction and the loss of your data. If you are running OJS version 2.3.x or older, you will first need to upgrade to OJS version 2.4 or later. Please see OJS 3.x for more details.
Can I move my OJS 2.x customization to OJS 3.x?David Green2018-02-12T09:07:49-07:00
Any custom setting which you may have enabled for your journal in OJS 2x will not be ported across to version OJS 3x. Customization made to your OJS 2.x installation will not apply to OJS 3x as many underlying concepts have changed considerably.
Where can I find a user guide and documentation for OJS 3.x?David Green2018-02-12T09:07:58-07:00